
Global Military Outlook : Implications for Pakistan

  Syed Rifaat Hussain Emerging trends The modern state system which first emerged in Europe in the late 17th century, the Westphalian system, gradually spreading to the rest of the world, is...

The Paradoxes of Nuclear Deterrence

  Michael Krepon “Deterrence stability” has been the holy grail of nuclear arms control, the mechanism by which arms racing can be contained and stability in crises maintained. Advocates of strategic...

Terrorist Safe Havens in Afghanistan Threaten Pakistan

  Rahimullah Yusufzai Jamatul Ahrar and TTP operating against Pakistan from their bases in Afghanistan. There has been enough evidence of the transnational composition of militant groups operating in different parts of...

Trump Misses, Rouhani Hits: Calling the Curtains on JCPOA

  Sina Azodi Never Interfere with Your Enemy When He is Making a Mistake. After months of speculation, President Trump finally announced his controversial decision last month to unilaterally withdraw the United...
Boko Haram

Confronting The Challenge Of Boko Haram

  Muhammad Ali  What is security? In general terms, security is defined very broadly. It is often classified into four distinct areas: political, economic, social, and environmental. Although, all the dimensions...

Harnessing the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Tiger

  Saba Shahid It has already been established that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) offers Pakistan an opportunity for both economic and human development. However, we need to go beyond the...

The Kashmir Uprising

  Farooq Hasnat The ongoing insurgency in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK) is nothing short of a third generation war of liberation. Like their grandfathers and parents, scores of Kashmiri men, women...
South Pacific

The Limits of China’s Foreign Influence: Lessons from the South Pacific

  Maria Bastos Research on maritime security and related politics has increased rapidly with China’s ambitious  Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI). While much attention has been paid to MSRI security challenges...

Data Dilemma

  Ramiz Ayaz Malik To know and be informed is human nature and nothing can ever satisfy this particular need and want of knowing and being informed more. We are always...

The Youth Development Index in South Asia: A Human Security Risk

  Ayesha Khalid South Asia is home to almost 30% of the entire world’s youth which, if developed, can alter the fate of the region. Usually, a country’s population development is...

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High Energy Laser Weapons: A Boon for Pakistan?

Safia Mansoor In 1960, Theodore Maiman, an American physicist and engineer, invented the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of...

Making a Case for the Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline

Haider Ali In the complex tapestry of South Asian geopolitics, the Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline project stands out as...

Mapping Emerging Trends in Space Warfare

Safia Mansoor "Space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and the sea” Former...
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