New Start

Why New START Needs a New Start?

Ayesha Abbasi John F. Kennedy said, “leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” The arms control regime is presently in a downward spiral mainly because the leaders are no...

Exclusive Interview with the President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Masood Khan

Sardar Masood Khan is the 14th President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. A career diplomat, Masood Khan was Pakistan’s Permanent Representative in the United Nations missions in New York...
INF Treaty

“Let’s get rid of all these things”: Europe and the end of the INF...

Giordana Pulcini The demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, sanctioned in early February by the US and Russia’s announcement that they will suspend their obligations under the pact,...

The Pitfalls of the Indo-U.S. Embrace

Anum A. Khan  The June 15, 2020 clash between India and China is fittingly in-line with a famous saying, “Imprudence is a moral failing of sorts, but alas it ranks...

Disinformation: A Challenge for the International Community

Shahneela Tariq  The extensive disinformation campaign, revealed by EU DisinfoLab's Indian Chronicles, has posed a challenge to the international community. It now has to work towards creating more binding arrangements to...

Hybrid Warfare: Shielding Stratagem

Zafar Nawaz Jaspal Global politics is fluid and dynamic.Nations are combating identical and contrasting traditional and non-traditional security challenges. Security analysts are calling a mix of these challenges as Hybrid Warfare....

Appraising Operation Sunrise – Challenges in Counter Terrorism

  Salma Malik The month of July holds a special significance in Pakistan’s complex war against militancy and terrorism. A decade and a year back, the sitting regime of general Pervez...

Book Review |Subcontinent Adrift: Strategic Futures of South Asia

Book Title: Subcontinent Adrift: Strategic Futures of South Asia Author: Feroz Hassan Khan ISBN: 9781621966487 Publisher: Cambria...

India and China’s Environmental Governance: One Step Forward, One Step Backward

 Rabia Zaid India and China’s economic boom, sustained and supported by rapid industrialization is resulting in a multifold of environmental problems. The two countries are top emitters of carbon dioxide...
Border Management

The Salience of Pak-Afghan Border Management

Qadir Khan Yousafzai The Afghan Parliamentary elections gained more traction and importance due to the completion of the second round of Afghan Taliban talks with the U.S. delegation in its...

Latest article

High Energy Laser Weapons: A Boon for Pakistan?

Safia Mansoor In 1960, Theodore Maiman, an American physicist and engineer, invented the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of...

Making a Case for the Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline

Haider Ali In the complex tapestry of South Asian geopolitics, the Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline project stands out as...

Mapping Emerging Trends in Space Warfare

Safia Mansoor "Space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and the sea” Former...
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