The Extended Nuclear Deterrence Problem in the Age of AI

Rabia Akhtar The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has put the spotlight on the ominous specter of nuclear weapons and their potentially horrifying...

Pakistan’s Kashmir Challenge

Rabia Akhtar By the time a Kashmiri child born today in Srinagar turns five years old, he will be part of a Hindu majority Jammu & Kashmir. The domicile law...

Rafale’s Impact on IAF’s Air Power Capabilities

Air Cdre Kaiser Tufail (Retd) Quite clearly, the inadequacy of IAF’s Su-30MKI and MiG-29 twin-engine fighters in the air superiority role led to the decision to acquire the Rafale, ostensibly...

Blockchain: Myth Busters for Pakistani Regulators

Najeeb Zaidi Background There is a need to bust the myth and anxiety around the buzz-word ‘Blockchain’. This applies to all and sundry because we are divorcing ourselves from its great...

Full Spectrum Deterrence: Capability and Credibility

Zafar Nawaz Jaspal The enduring enmity, strategic competition, and arms race dynamics have gradually advanced India and Pakistan nuclear arsenals. The former’s sophisticated military hardware shopping spree from militarily technologically...

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High Energy Laser Weapons: A Boon for Pakistan?

Safia Mansoor In 1960, Theodore Maiman, an American physicist and engineer, invented the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of...

Making a Case for the Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline

Haider Ali In the complex tapestry of South Asian geopolitics, the Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline project stands out as...

Mapping Emerging Trends in Space Warfare

Safia Mansoor "Space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and the sea” Former...
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