Source: Military.com
Safia Mansoor
In 1960, Theodore Maiman, an American physicist and engineer, invented the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation or Laser that promptly garnered the attention of science fiction authors and military strategists as a prospective cutting-edge weapon of choice. Soon after its discovery, laser came into the limelight as an analogous real version of a primary offensive weapon of the Martians -‘Heat Ray’- mentioned in the science fiction book “War of the Worlds,” written by H.G. Wells. Militaries started exploring the defense utility of lasers, with the Pentagon including them in its utopian ‘Star Wars’ or Strategic Defense Initiative. However, the efficacy of lasers as a military technology has surged to new heights as militaries across the world are pursuing their advanced versions with monumentally higher output that are known as High Energy Lasers (HELs).
In the military domain, lasers having power outputs of more than 1 kilowatt are termed as HELs. More specifically, HELs created for tactical-level applications have a power range of 10-100 kilowatts while for strategic-level employment, laser power surges to multi-megawatts. HELs have three categories: chemical lasers, free-electron lasers, and solid-state lasers Among these categories, chemical lasers are regarded as the most sophisticated whereas free-electron lasers are still at a nascent stage. Solid state-lasers, notably fiber lasers, are widely deployed by the armed forces as HEL weapon systems. With a target engagement time between 2 and 4 seconds, HELs have the potential to ignite crucial elements of a target’s surface, causing at least momentary distraction. Further, it could perforate the surfaces of targets, to include tires, hulls of ships, or wings of aircraft, thwarting their core capabilities. This ignites explosions by vaporizing or heating the targeted threat, compromising its control system or optics through the permanent or temporary obstruction of its sensors.
Strategic competition for HEL weapons has led key states, such as the U.S., Russia, and China, to focus on bolstering their laser capabilities. As for the U.S., various laser-based defense projects, such as the anti-drone Directed Energy Maneuver Short Range Air Defense (DE M-SHORAD), ship-based anti-drone Laser Weapon System Demonstrator (LWSD), and Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (ODIN) laser weapons, signify its efforts in scaling up its laser technology in the military domain. Moreover, the U.S. has also deployed Palletized- High Energy Laser (P- HEL) in an undisclosed location overseas. Russian investment in HEL technology is evidenced by the development of anti-drone and anti-satellite laser weapons, such as Peresvet, Zadira, Kalina, and Sokol Eshelon. China has also been taking momentous steps in manufacturing laser weaponry that may target drones, fighter jets, and even missiles. It has also overcome a key technical challenge of heat emission by developing laser cooling technology that, in turn, facilitates the uninterrupted emission of laser beam.
The spillover effect of a quest for laser weapons is evident in South Asia. India has been making headway in the development of directed energy weapons, involving concerted effort across various organizations, such as the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), and its defense lab, the Centre for High Energy Systems and Sciences (CHESS), coupled with other entities like National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS), Army Design Bureau (ADB), and Bhaba Atomic Research Center (BARC). In this regard, a significant feat credited to CHESS is the development and deployment of laser-based anti-drone system with a 2km jamming range, 4km radar detection range, and 1-2.5 km laser-based hard kill range. In the realm of laser defense program, another key development is India’s grandiose project ‘Directionally Unrestricted Ray-Gun Array (DURGA-2). In 2021, U.S. defense media stated that DRDO’s premier laser laboratory, Laser Science and Technology Centre (LSTC), is pursuing offensive and defensive laser systems.
The Indian government has allocated $100 million to LSTC to spearhead the DURGA project that is supposed to embed HELs in air, sea, and land-based platforms. This paramount military technology will accrue compelling strategic advantages by dispensing 100% hard kill probability against missiles, and debilitating electronic and radar systems of adversaries. Hitherto, it successfully developed a laser with a 25 Kilowatt power output that could hit ballistic missiles at a distance of 5km during its terminal phase. LSTC is incessantly trying to further laser generation techniques, entailing chemical, fiber, and solid-state lasers while concurrently seeking to increase laser weapons’ ranges to 100km; nonetheless, adequate power supply for HELs remains a key impediment.
Given the myriad dividends of HEL weapons, Pakistan may consider harnessing this technology due to four key reasons: a) operational flexibility- HEL weapons yield operational flexibility, owing to short target engagement time; b) cost-efficiency- the operational cost of laser weapons is less than that of traditional kinetic weapons; c) defense capability- HEL weapons can increase Pakistan’s defense capabilities through their integration with land, sea, and air-based platforms; and d) deterrence – HEL weapon technology may counterbalance India’s growing laser technology, helping deter aggression given its potent defensive capabilities, notably against missiles.
HEL weapons would be an epochal augmentation to Pakistan’s ability to carry out defensive operations due to their varied applications. By dispensing on-board active defense, laser-based defense systems have the potential to obliterate incoming aircraft and missiles. Additionally, they increase the survivability of platforms that are subsonic, non-stealthy, and susceptible to being targeted. Active defense endows a striking capability against an enemy’s center of gravity at the onset of an air campaign, thereby diminishing the need for the Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD). Laser systems, when integrated with ground-based platforms, can counter indirect fire threats, such as mortars, artillery, and rockets, increasing the maneuverability and survivability of ground forces. Sea-based laser systems are an indispensable shield against cruise as well as ballistic missiles. As for air-based laser weapons, they could provide active defense against targets, notably ballistic missiles, even in their initial phases. Furthermore, HEL technology is instrumental in providing widely spread and cost-effective terminal point defense against enemy’s theater ballistic missiles.
Also, in the era of drone warfare, Pakistan may harness drone-zapping laser weapon technology to counter the challenge of drone swarming during possible conflictual scenarios. Such technology is both effective and cheaper. That being said, despite various benefits that HELs provide, challenges, such as the difficulty in managing wavelength power, technical issues of keeping laser stable on mobile platforms, and sensitivity to atmospheric conditions need to be navigated. Such challenges can be overcome through scientific and technological advancements and training of armed personnel.
Amidst the ever-changing modes of warfare, Pakistan should develop HEL weapons to enhance its defense capabilities. As militaries all across the world are developing this cost-effective option to counter various threats, notably from UAV systems and proliferating missile technologies, Pakistan must capitalize on this technology to navigate regional geopolitical challenges and enhance its defense capabilities. However, to leverage HEL technology, adequate investment in R&D and integration of lasers with platforms are of utmost significance.
Safia Mansoor is a PhD International Relations Scholar at the School of Integrated Social Sciences, University of Lahore.
The views expressed in the article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of Pakistan Politico.