Militarization of Artificial Intelligence

Shaza Arif  Artificial Intelligence is very difficult to define, however the most elementary way of defining it would be: To program machines in such a way that their efficiency surpasses...

The Rafale Factor and Options for the PAF

Air Cdre Jamal Hussain (Retd) The setback suffered by the IAF at the hands of its arch-rival the PAF on 27 February 2019, has led to serious introspection by the...

Pakistan’s OIC Push: A Step in the Right Direction

Hassan Aslam Shad The 17th Extraordinary Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers on Afghanistan, held in Islamabad last week, was as...
S-400 Deal

India, Russia and the S-400 Deal

Rupert Stone In early October, President Putin of Russia visited New Delhi for his annual summit with India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and signed a number of deals. Most controversially,...

Inter-State Rivalries: A Perpetual Cause of Instability in South Asia

Syed Ali Zia Jaffery A diverse set of countries constitutes the South Asian region. In close proximity to Central Asia and the Middle East, the South Asian region is strategically...

India’s Strategic Paralysis & Counterforce Temptations

Rabia Akhtar India’s counterforce capabilities and deterrence equilibrium in South Asia is a subject which continues to agitate minds of strategic thinkers in the region and around the world. One...

The Militant Landscape, Tactics & Pakistan’s War on Terror

Amira Jadoon Pakistan may have joined the U.S. war on terror under pressure, but today it is imperative that the country takes complete ownership of its fight against domestic terrorism....

Mutual Vulnerability and Risk Reduction in South Asia

Hannah Haegeland The current state of affairs in Kashmir and resulting heightening of India-Pakistan tensions provide daily examples of escalation risks. Since 1998, the low-probability, high-cost risk of escalation across...
Book Review

Book Review | REIMAGINING PAKISTAN: Transforming a Dysfunctional Nuclear State

  Author: Husain Haqqani ISBN:978-9352777693 Publisher: HarperCollins India, 2018 Saeed Afridi The premise of Husain Haqqani’s latest book “Re-imagining Pakistan: Transforming a Dysfunctional Nuclear State” is that Pakistan is an ill-defined, inexactly contrived, economically unviable...

Terrorist Safe Havens in Afghanistan Threaten Pakistan

  Rahimullah Yusufzai Jamatul Ahrar and TTP operating against Pakistan from their bases in Afghanistan. There has been enough evidence of the transnational composition of militant groups operating in different parts of...

Latest article

High Energy Laser Weapons: A Boon for Pakistan?

Safia Mansoor In 1960, Theodore Maiman, an American physicist and engineer, invented the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of...

Making a Case for the Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline

Haider Ali In the complex tapestry of South Asian geopolitics, the Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline project stands out as...

Mapping Emerging Trends in Space Warfare

Safia Mansoor "Space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and the sea” Former...
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