
The Kashmir Uprising

  Farooq Hasnat The ongoing insurgency in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK) is nothing short of a third generation war of liberation. Like their grandfathers and parents, scores of Kashmiri men, women...

Interview with H.E. Ali Alizada, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan...

Amb. Ali Alizada is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to  Pakistan. After serving at various prestigious positions  in Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry, Amb. Alizada became the...

Pakistan’s Modi Dilemma

Rifaat Hussain By winning a clear majority in the Indian general elections held last month, the NDA coalition led by Bhartia Janta Party  (BJP) under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has...

A Relationship that Was Not to Be

Raoof Hasan The canvas of foreign policy is as vast as one’s mind may stretch it. Forever studded with possibilities, it encompasses multiple options,...

Pak-U.S. Relations: From Security Alliances to Development Partnerships

Aneel Salman U.S.-Pakistan relations have remained checkered. Despite being one of the first diplomatic relationships established by Pakistan, these ties have not evolved from...

Beyond Sanctions: Revisiting the Pak-US Narrative on Pakistan’s 26th Nuclear Anniversary

Rabia Akhtar The nuanced narrative of U.S.-Pakistan relations, particularly regarding Pakistan's nuclear development, offers a complex interplay between geopolitical strategy and nonproliferation policies. Traditionally...

The Kashmir Catastrophe

Brian Cloughley  India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the U.S. President Donald Trump have much in common, not least, the extensive use of Twitter to communicate their thoughts, policies and...

US-Pakistan Relations Won’t Thrive, But They’ll Survive

Michael Kugelman Washington and Islamabad aren’t bound to be besties. But they can still find ways to work together. If there’s one truism about U.S. foreign relations, it’s that America is...

Pakistan’s foreign policy towards the Indian Ocean Region

Maria Bastos The visibility of Pakistan in the Indian Ocean Region has been somewhat enhanced since the launch of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), nearly three years ago. This...

The Russian Footprint in Afghanistan

Ishaq Ahmed Russian engagement and involvement in Afghanistan is not a new development. Previously from regime influence to invasion and currently pursuing its regional security objectives, the Russians have always...

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High Energy Laser Weapons: A Boon for Pakistan?

Safia Mansoor In 1960, Theodore Maiman, an American physicist and engineer, invented the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of...

Making a Case for the Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline

Haider Ali In the complex tapestry of South Asian geopolitics, the Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline project stands out as...

Mapping Emerging Trends in Space Warfare

Safia Mansoor "Space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and the sea” Former...
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