Militarization of Artificial Intelligence

Shaza Arif  Artificial Intelligence is very difficult to define, however the most elementary way of defining it would be: To program machines in such a way that their efficiency surpasses...

The Kashmir Catastrophe

Brian Cloughley  India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the U.S. President Donald Trump have much in common, not least, the extensive use of Twitter to communicate their thoughts, policies and...

Mutual Vulnerability and Risk Reduction in South Asia

Hannah Haegeland The current state of affairs in Kashmir and resulting heightening of India-Pakistan tensions provide daily examples of escalation risks. Since 1998, the low-probability, high-cost risk of escalation across...

Afghanistan’s Election Could Do More Harm Than Good

Rupert Stone Afghans went to the polls on September 28 to vote in their country’s fourth presidential election since 2001. The election, which had been delayed twice already, may not...

Book Review | India’s Surgical Strike Stratagem: Brinkmanship and Response

Author:Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal ISBN: 978-969-23370-0-7 Ahmed Saeed Minhas The book, ‘India’s Surgical Strike’s Stratagem: Brinkmanship and Response’ has been authored by one of Pakistan’s ace nuclear South Asia scholars, Zafar Nawaz...

Gilgit-Baltistan in the Crosshair: Know Your Enemy

Muhammad Sharreh Qazi  ‘Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy, but know yourself, your...

Beyond the UN Blitz on Kashmir

Syed Ali Zia Jaffery Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan was a man on a mission in his maiden appearance at the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA), last month. As unprecedented as...

Why the Doha Peace Process Must Resume?

Qadir Khan Yousafzai  In his customary style, the U.S. President Donald Trump took to Twitter and suspended the Doha peace process between the U.S. and the Afghan Taliban. Despite the...
Hindu Nationalism

Militarized Hindu Nationalism & Sino-Pakistan Options

Rabia Akhtar  Do ideas or beliefs play a role in state’s maneuvers in the international system?  As a realist, I believe that states are inherently rational and are not guided...

The Russo-Indian Partnership & the Changing Balance of Power in Eurasia

Andrew Korybko  Russia and India's "global partnership" is tilting the balance of power in Eurasia against China as Moscow opens up doors for New Delhi in the Arctic, Northeast Asia,...

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The Geopolitical Implications of Deglobalization

Haider Ali In the 1970s, détente between the United States and Soviet Union offered an opportunity to stabilize...

Agni-Prime: Read P for Pakistan

The successful test launch of India's 'Agni Prime', a new-generation nuclear-capable ballistic missile, marks a significant advancement in...

Mapping the Challenges to Pakistan’s Geoeconomic Pivot

Afeera Firdous In January 2022, Pakistan's National Security Division (NSD) launched the country’s first-ever National Security Policy (NSP), marking...
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