Cheryl Rofer Before Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo posted his Instagram account featuring “swagger,” he had repeated...
Syed Ali Zia Jaffery “Diplomacy: the art of restraining power.” Henry Kissinger The dastardly attacks on the...
Pakistan Should Silently Celebrate Trump’s Pullout From The Iranian Deal Andrew Korybko Trump’s withdrawal from the Iranian...
Kamran Adil On 8th May, 2018, the US President Donald Trump made the following statement while announcing...
Sameer Lalwani & Hannah Haegeland Nearly two decades after the last bilateral conflict at Kargil, India-Pakistan...
Adil Sultan The 2018 US Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) that has once again increased the salience of...
Hamza Rifaat Hussain The Trump administration’s national security strategy of 2017 with its South Asia section on...
Umair Jamal The rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Afghanistan has set off alarm bells throughout...