Syed Ali Zia Jaffery Recently, it was announced that, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, will visit Kabul...
Book Title: Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy Author: Francis J. Gavin ISBN: 978-0-8157-3791-9 Publisher: Brookings Institution...
Anum A. Khan The June 15, 2020 clash between India and China is fittingly in-line with a...
Rabia Akhtar Let’s begin by asking a question: Why would ANY state not want to achieve capabilities...
Author: Daniel S. Markey ISBN: 978-0190680190 Publisher: Oxford University Press Syed Ali Zia Jaffery In his path-breaking...
Rabia Akhtar Recently, ace China watcher, Andrew Small, authored report on the current status of the China-Pakistan...
Nidaa Shahid Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) has remained in the thick of things in every discussion and...
Muhammad Sharreh Qazi “China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will...
Syed Rifaat Hussain While it may seem premature to announce the end of COVID-19, all indications are...
Rabia Akhtar In 1958, Pakistan leased the Badaber base near Peshawar to the U.S. for ten years....