Sahar Khan Pakistan’s Supreme Court is known for its activism. In February 2018, the Supreme Court banned...
International Security
Salma Malik The month of July holds a special significance in Pakistan’s complex war against militancy...
Rahimullah Yusufzai Jamatul Ahrar and TTP operating against Pakistan from their bases in Afghanistan. There has...
Muhammad Ali What is security? In general terms, security is defined very broadly. It is often...
Rupert Stone It has now been several months since President Donald Trump promulgated his new strategy for...
Moeed Yusuf The Evolving Global Order The world has moved from its unipolar moment into multipolarity; China...
Muhammad Feyyaz The typical non-state terrorism indiscriminately targeting the civilians erupted in Pakistan following the US invasion...
Hamza Rifaat Hussain The Trump administration’s national security strategy of 2017 with its South Asia section on...