After months of deliberations and diligent work we came up with Pakistan Politico . Launching a magazine on strategic and foreign affairs had its own challenges. Foremost was to decide on the type and scope of the magazine. Despite the growing importance of geo-strategic issues in the region, there was a realization that a publication focused exclusively on these subjects may not gain traction. However, a learning environment and the primacy of quality at the UOL, gave us the impetus to get started with the first of its kind magazine in Pakistan. Our first edition is out at a time when the world in general and the region in particular is undergoing systemic changes. While conflicts, turmoils and rivalries are vitiating peace and stability, connectivity projects underline the importance of geo-economics as a mean to augment power and clout. All this calls for thorough and scholarly analysis that can be read by a diverse audience. Pak Politico has brought together academics and practitioners in order to provide sound analyses on strategic, regional and international affairs. It is only through logical and research-based content that we further inculcate research as a value and add to the literature. We earnestly hope that our readers will enjoy reading our magazine.
Dr. Rabia Akhtar
Managing Editor, Pakistan Politico