March 14, 2025

Write For Us


Writers’ Submission Guidelines:

    1. Pakistan Politico welcomes unsolicited analytical articles on defense, strategic and foreign affairs for its print and online editions.
    2. The articles should be between 1,000 and 1,200 words and non-newsy in nature.
    3. The submissions must be exclusively for Pakistan Politico; the authors must mention the exclusivity of the articles.
    4. Your submission must include your picture and a brief biography entailing your affiliation.
    5. Pakistan Politico reserves the right to edit the submissions for clarity and contextualization.
    6. Authors must ensure that they provide hyperlinks as sources in their articles. Pakistan Politico will undertake a strict plagiarism check.
    7. Send us your submission only one at a time; multiple emails pertaining to the same submission will not be entertained.
    8. Pakistan Politico will only engage with you if it is interested in publishing your piece.
    9. If you do not hear back from us within 7 business days, feel free to send your submission to another platform. If you intend to take back your submission before 7 business days, Pakistan Politico must be duly informed.

     Send your articles at